Difference: TWikiForms (19 vs. 20)

Revision 202004-08-20 - PeterThoeny

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One or more checkboxes, plus Set and Clear buttons checkbox+buttons (same) (same)
Read-only label text label 1 (unused)
One or more radio buttons radio number of radio buttons per line comma list of checkbox labels
Drop-down menu or scrollable box label 1 for drop down, 2 and up for scrollable box comma list of options
Drop-down menu or scrollable box select 1 for drop down, 2 and up for scrollable box comma list of options
A one-line text field text text box width in number of characters (unused)
A text box; size is 40x10 (columns x rows) textarea columns x rows, e.g. 40x6 (unused)
  • field value - one or more values from a fixed set (select, checkbox, radio type) or free-form (text). (replaces category item value)
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