Difference: TWikiForms (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92001-09-09 - MikeMannix

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 Form Templates replace TWikiCategory Tables from the 01-Dec-2000 version of TWiki.


Changes from the Category Table System


Main Changes from Category Tables

  Form Templates more powerful, flexible replacement for the original TWikiCategoryTable. Data from existing category tables can be imported directly.
Main changes from TWikiCategoryTable:

Form Templates Category Tables
defined in topics defined in templates
many forms per web one table per web
saved as Meta Data saved as HTML
Change & Add Form buttons UseCategory radio button

Importing Existing Category Table Data


Importing Category Table Data

  On upgrading from the previous TWiki, a Form Template topic has to be built for each web that used a Category Table, recreating the fields and values from the old twikicatitems.tmpl. The replacement Form Template must be set as the first item in the WebPreferences variable =WEBFORM. If missing, pages will display, but attempting to edit results in an error message.
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  NOTE: If things aren't working correctly, there may be useful entries in data/warning.txt.

Form Template Elements


Defining a Form Template

A Form Template is simply a page containing your form, defined in a table where each row is one form field.

Form Template Elements

  • form template - a set of fields defining a form (replaces category table definition)
    • A web can use one or more form templates.
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    • textarea - a text box; size is 40x10 (columns x rows)
  • field value - one or more values from a fixed set (select, checkbox, radio type) or free-form (text). (replaces category item value)

Defining a Form Template

A Form Template is simply a page containing your form, defined in a table where each row is one form field.


Defining a Form in One Topic

  1. Create a new topic with your Form name: MyForm, ExpenseReport, InfoCategory, RecordReview, whatever you need.
  2. Create a TWiki table, with each column representing one element of an entry field: Name, Type, Size, Values, and Tooltip msessage (see sample below).
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  OsSolaris, OsWin | blah blah... |
OsVersion text 16   blah blah...

Defining a Form in One Topic

Example: WebFormTemplate from the TWiki.Know web
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message
TopicClassification select 1 NoDisclosure, PublicSupported, PublicFAQ blah blah...
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OsVersion text 16   blah blah...

Defining a Form in Multiple Topics


Defining a Form with Multiple Topics

  The Form Template can also be defined in an alternative way by using more then one topic:
  • A Form Template topic defines the form.
  • Values of fields that have more then one value - radio, select, checkbox - can be defined by field value Template topics.
  • A Form Template topic defines the Form.
  • Fields that have more then one value - radio, select, checkbox - can be defined in individual field value topics.
Code from:
Example: WebFormTemplate
  • WebFormTemplate of the TWiki.Know web:
  • Know.WebFormTemplate Form main definition:
Name Type Size Values Tooltip message
TopicClassification select 1   blah blah...
OperatingSystem checkbox 3   blah blah...
OsVersion text 16   blah blah...
TopicClassification select 1 ... blah blah...
OperatingSystem checkbox 3 ... blah blah...
OsVersion text 16 ... blah blah...
  • TopicClassification topic:
  • Know.TopicClassification field value definition:
Name Type Tooltip message
NoDisclosure option blah blah...
PublicSupported option blah blah...
PublicFAQ option blah blah...

Implementation Notes

    • This format allows you to define field items with / without WikiNames, depending on your needs.
  • Implementation Notes: This format allows you to define field items with or without WikiNames, depending on your needs.
    • The topic can be protected in the usual manner so that not everybody can change the form template - see TWikiAccessControl

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    • other than checkboxes: name, ex: ?BugPriority=1
    • checkbox: namevalue=1, ex: ?ColourRed=1.
      Boxes with a tick must be specified.

Creating New Topics with Forms


Including Forms in New Topics

When you create a new topic in a web that has the WEBFORMS Preferences variable set, an Add Form button appears at the bottom of the page. You can start all new topics with forms enabled, and pre-select a form if there's more than one available:

When you create a new topic in a web that has the WEBFORMS Preferences variable set, an Add Form button appears at the bottom of the page. If the WebTopicEditTemplate topic has a form added, the form will appear with values set; press Change to remove the template or to switch to a different one.
  1. Edit the WebTopicEditTemplate topic, adding the name of an available Form.
  2. Create a new topic to check - the Form should appear with values set.
    • Click Change to switch or remove Forms.
  A form embedded in a topic also appears in a new topic. This is done by specifying the formtemplate parameter in the URL.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiForms.