Difference: TWikiPluginsDotPm (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32008-01-22 - TWikiContributor

Line: 70 to 70

ObjectMethod finish ()

Break circular references.


ObjectMethod load ($allDisabled) -> $loginName

Find all active plugins, and invoke the early initialisation.

Line: 104 to 109

ObjectMethod addListener ($command,$handler)

  • =$command* - name of the event
  • $command - name of the event
  • $handler - the handler object.

Add a listener to the end of the list of registered listeners for this event.

Line: 157 to 162
 the map will contain:

 $removed->{'pre1'}{text}: XYZ $removed->{'pre1'}{params}: class="slobadob"

Iterating over blocks for a single tag is easy. For example, to prepend a line number to every line of a pre block you might use this code:

 foreach my $placeholder ( keys %$map ) { if( $placeholder =~ /^pre/i ) { my $n = 1; $map->{$placeholder}{text} =~ s/^/$n++/gem; } }
Line: 268 to 275
  This code provides Plugins with the opportunity to alter an uploaded attachment between the upload and save-to-store processes. It is invoked as per other Plugins.
  • $attrHashRef - Hash reference of attachment attributes (keys are indicated below)
  • $topic - | Topic name
  • $web - | Web name
  • $topic - Topic name
  • $web - Web name
  Keys in $attrHashRef:
Key Value
Line: 294 to 301
 deal with an uploaded attachment between the upload and save-to-store processes. It is invoked as per other plugins.

  • $attrHashRef - Hash reference of attachment attributes (keys are indicated below)
  • $topic - | Topic name
  • $web - | Web name
  • $error - | Error string of save action, empty if OK
  • $topic - Topic name
  • $web - Web name
  • $error - Error string of save action, empty if OK
  Keys in $attrHashRef:
Key Value
Line: 311 to 318

ObjectMethod *writeHeaderHandler () -> $headers

Called by TWiki::writePageHeader. DEPRECATED do not use!
 DEPRECATED Use modifyHeaderHandler instead. it is a lot more flexible, and allows you to modify existing headers as well as add new ones. It also works correctly when
Line: 324 to 329

ObjectMethod *completePageHandler ($text,$pageType,$contentType)


ObjectMethod *redirectCgiQueryHandler () -> $result

Called by TWiki::redirect

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPluginsDotPm.