Difference: TWikiSite (19 vs. 20)

Revision 202002-05-12 - MikeMannix

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TWiki is a Web-based collaboration platform

  • A TWiki site is an easy-to-use, full-featured open communications environment:
    • people anywhere on the Web or on an intranet can meet
    • rich Web text, images, and online multimedia are easily shared
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    • documents and other files can be uploaded and downloaded
    • all you need is a Web browser and any available network connection

TWiki is a powerful Web enhancement...


TWiki is an UNUSUAL Web-based collaboration platform

  • There's no doubt that, to most people, TWiki at first seems almost the opposite of how the Web and online communications "normally" work. Why?
    • TWiki operates like a whiteboard for the Web - it lets you and all other users write, place pictures and post links, anywhere on any page.
    • Not only that, everyone can EDIT anything, anywhere on a page.
    • At first, this may seem "too" open - it soon becomes second-nature, allowing you the freedom to edit and update the way you want to.

TWiki is a powerful Web enhancement...

  • TWiki's parsing engine is written in Perl. It reads a text file, and converts TWiki shorthand into standard HTML, on the fly. The point is to:
    • make adding and editing text simple (How simple? Click on the Edit link at the bottom of the page...)
    • let you find information fast (WebSearch)
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  • WikiCulture looks at the unique type of collaboration Wiki systems offer.
  • WikiReferences links to articles and books about collaboration and Wiki technology.
NOTE: If you have to log-in to usr TWiki, for example, if Twiki is running on an intranet, it automatically signs pages you edit and create with your WikiName. If your TWiki installation doesn't require a log-in, TWiki gives everyone the same username: TWikiGuest.
ALERT! If you have to log-in to use TWiki, for example, if Twiki is running on an intranet, it automatically signs pages you edit and create with your WikiName. If your TWiki installation doesn't require a log-in, TWiki gives everyone the same username: TWikiGuest.
  TWikiTM is a trademark of PeterThoeny, originator and lead developer.
  • TWiki is developed as Free Software under the GNU/GPL
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  • WelcomeGuest is a fast track guide to TWiki.
  • This site is powered by TWiki version TWiki-6.1.0, Mon, 16 Jul 2018, build 30610.
-- MikeMannix - 29 Dec 2001
-- MikeMannix - 12 May 2002
This site is powered by the TWiki collaboration platform Powered by PerlCopyright © 1999-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? Send feedback
Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiSite.