Difference: TWikiTopics (21 vs. 22)

Revision 222010-05-15 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Topics

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    • HELP One little links rule: each topic, and its WikiWord link, belong to one unique web only. To link between webs, you must first enter the topic's web name.
      Example: This is TWikiTopics, in the TWiki web, so that's all you need to type on any topic in this web. But to link to TWikiTopics from a topic in the Main web, you have to type TWiki.TWikiTopics - Webname.TopicName. It's easy.
Another way to add a topic is to type a new topic name in the Go box or an unknown topic URL. You can type in either a WikiName to create the topic in the current web or Web.TopicName to create a topic in a different web than the current page. Topics created with the Go box or URLs do not have parent meta-data defined.
Another way to add a topic is to type a new topic name in the JumpBox or an unknown topic URL. You can type in either a WikiName to create the topic in the current web or Web.TopicName to create a topic in a different web than the current page. Topics created with the Jump Box or URLs do not have parent meta-data defined.

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