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Revision 172005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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20-Minute TWiki Tutorial


20-Minute TWiki Tutorial

  This step-by-step, hands-on tutorial gets you up to speed with all the TWikiSite basics, in mere minutes...

1. Get set...

Open two browser windows, so that you can follow these steps in one window, while trying things out in the other.
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  • Go to the TWikiRegistration page to create your TWiki account. Fill in a couple of lines and you're set!

4. Check out TWiki users, groups.

  • Go to the TWikiUsers topic in the TWiki.Main web; it has a list of all users of TWiki. Your WikiName will be in this list after you register.
  • Go to the TWikiGroups topic in the Main web; it has a list of groups which can be used to define fine grained TWikiAccessControl in TWiki.
  • Go to the TWikiUsers topic; it has a list of all users of TWiki. Your WikiName will be in this list after you register.
  • Go to the TWikiGroups topic in the Main web; it has a list of groups which can be used to define fine grained TWikiAccessControl in TWiki.

5. Test the page controls...

The color-coded control strips at the top and/or bottom of the page has a collection of action links. Different skins show different links, but most will have some or all of::
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    1. Preview and save the topic. The name appears, highlighted, with a linked question mark at the end. This means that the topic doesn't exist yet.
    2. Click on the question mark. Now you're in edit mode of the new topic.
    3. Type some text, basically, like you write an e-mail.
    1. A signature with your name is already entered by default. NOTE: The Main. in front of your name means that you have a link from the current web to your personal topic located in the Main web.
    1. A signature with your name is already entered by default. NOTE: The Main. in front of your name means that you have a link from the current web to your personal topic located in the Main web.
    1. Preview and save the topic...
  • Learn about text formatting. You can enter text in TWikiShorthand, a very simple markup language. Follow the TWikiShorthand link to see how, then:
    1. Go back to your sandbox topic end edit it.
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