Difference: TWikiTutorial (19 vs. 20)

Revision 202011-07-29 - TWikiContributor

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20-Minute TWiki Tutorial

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4. Check out TWiki users & groups...

  • Go to the TWikiUsers topic; it has a list of all users of TWiki. Your WikiName will be in this list after you register.
  • Go to the UserList topic; it has a list of all users of TWiki. Your name will be in this list after you register.

5. Learn the page controls...

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  • Do this again - this time, upload a .gif, .png or .jpg image file.
    • Check the Link box to create a link to the attached file at the end of the topic. The image will show up at the bottom of the topic.
    • Edit the topic to move/resize the image.
  • If you have an image of yourself, your cat, your sprawling family estate...why not upload it now to personalize your TWiki homepage TWikiGuestbbbbbbbbb?
  • If you have an image of yourself, your cat, your sprawling family estate...why not upload it now to personalize your TWiki profile page TWikiGuestbbbbbbbbb?

8. Get alerted whenever topics are changed...

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiTutorial.