20-Minute TWiki Tutorial |
Print version - goes to a stripped down version of the page, good for printing
History - topics are under revision control - History shows you the complete change history of the topic, for example, who changed what and when
r3 > r2 > r1 - view a previous version of the topic or the difference between two versions
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More topic actions - additional controls, such as rename/move, version control and setting the topic's parent.
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More topic actions - additional controls, such as rename/move, version control, and setting the topic's parent.
6. Create a topic, modify a topic, and link to a topic... |
- In edit mode, enter a new text with a WikiWord, for example:
This is TWikiGuestbbbbbbbbbSandbox topic.
- Save the topic. The name appears highlighted with a red-link. This means that the topic doesn't exist yet.
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- Click on the red-link. Now you're in edit mode of the new topic.
- Type some text. You can add headings, bullets, tables and more, use the controls of the WYSIWYG editor.
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- Click on the red-link. Now you're in edit mode for the new topic.
- Type some text. You can add headings, bullets, tables and more using the controls of the WYSIWYG editor.
- A signature with your name is already entered by default. Keep it at the bottom.
Note: The Main. in front of your name is a web prefix. It means that you have a link from the current web to your personal topic located in the Main web.
- Save the topic...
- You can also create a nice looking link without a BumpyWord. Enter for example:
[[WebSearch][This is a link to search]].
- Learn about
Raw Edit (for advanced/technical users)
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- Topics can be modified in WYSIWYG mode (default) and in
Raw Edit mode. The raw mode shows text in TWikiShorthand, a very simple markup language. Follow the TWikiShorthand link to see how, then:
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- Topics can be modified in WYSIWYG mode (default) and in
Raw Edit mode. Raw mode shows text in TWikiShorthand, a very simple markup language. Follow the TWikiShorthand link to see how, then:
- Go back to your own sandbox topic and
Raw Edit it.
- Enter some text in TWikiShorthand: bold text, italic text, bold italic text, a bullet list, tables, paragraphs, etc.
Hint: If you need help, click on the Edit help link located above the text edit box.
- Go back to your sandbox topic and click on
Attach .
- Click
[Browse] to find a file on your machine that you'd like to attach; enter an optional comment; leave everything else unchecked.
- Click
[Upload file] , then scroll to the end of the page to see the new attachment listing.
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- Do this again - this time, upload a
.gif , .png or .jpg image file.
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- Do this again - this time, upload a
.gif , .png , or .jpg image file.
- Check the
Link box to create a link to the attached file at the end of the topic. The image will show up at the bottom of the topic.
- Edit the topic to move/resize the image.
- If you have an image of yourself, your cat, your sprawling family estate...why not upload it now to personalize your TWiki profile page TWikiGuestbbbbbbbbb?