Difference: TWikiTutorial (20 vs. 21)

Revision 212012-03-30 - TWikiContributor

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20-Minute TWiki Tutorial

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  • Print version - goes to a stripped down version of the page, good for printing
  • History - topics are under revision control - History shows you the complete change history of the topic, for example, who changed what and when
  • r3 > r2 > r1 - view a previous version of the topic or the difference between two versions
  • More topic actions - additional controls, such as rename/move, version control and setting the topic's parent.
  • More topic actions - additional controls, such as rename/move, version control, and setting the topic's parent.

6. Create a topic, modify a topic, and link to a topic...

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    1. In edit mode, enter a new text with a WikiWord, for example:
      This is TWikiGuestbbbbbbbbbSandbox topic.
    2. Save the topic. The name appears highlighted with a red-link. This means that the topic doesn't exist yet.
    1. Click on the red-link. Now you're in edit mode of the new topic.
    2. Type some text. You can add headings, bullets, tables and more, use the controls of the WYSIWYG editor.
    1. Click on the red-link. Now you're in edit mode for the new topic.
    2. Type some text. You can add headings, bullets, tables and more using the controls of the WYSIWYG editor.
    1. A signature with your name is already entered by default. Keep it at the bottom.
      Note: The Main. in front of your name is a web prefix. It means that you have a link from the current web to your personal topic located in the Main web.
    2. Save the topic...
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    1. You can also create a nice looking link without a BumpyWord. Enter for example:
      [[WebSearch][This is a link to search]].
  • Learn about Raw Edit (for advanced/technical users)
    1. Topics can be modified in WYSIWYG mode (default) and in Raw Edit mode. The raw mode shows text in TWikiShorthand, a very simple markup language. Follow the TWikiShorthand link to see how, then:
    1. Topics can be modified in WYSIWYG mode (default) and in Raw Edit mode. Raw mode shows text in TWikiShorthand, a very simple markup language. Follow the TWikiShorthand link to see how, then:
    1. Go back to your own sandbox topic and Raw Edit it.
    2. Enter some text in TWikiShorthand: bold text, italic text, bold italic text, a bullet list, tables, paragraphs, etc.
      Hint: If you need help, click on the Edit help link located above the text edit box.
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    1. Go back to your sandbox topic and click on Attach.
    2. Click [Browse] to find a file on your machine that you'd like to attach; enter an optional comment; leave everything else unchecked.
    3. Click [Upload file], then scroll to the end of the page to see the new attachment listing.
  • Do this again - this time, upload a .gif, .png or .jpg image file.
  • Do this again - this time, upload a .gif, .png, or .jpg image file.
    • Check the Link box to create a link to the attached file at the end of the topic. The image will show up at the bottom of the topic.
    • Edit the topic to move/resize the image.
  • If you have an image of yourself, your cat, your sprawling family estate...why not upload it now to personalize your TWiki profile page TWikiGuestbbbbbbbbb?
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