Difference: TextFormattingFAQ (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132002-06-28 - PeterThoeny

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 Text Formatting FAQ

The most frequently asked questions about text formatting are answered. Also, TextFormattingRules contains the complete TWiki shorthand system on one quick reference page.

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  This is a simple and automatic way of including inline images. Simply write the URL of the image file, this will create the inline image for you. NOTE: The images must be accessible as a URL.
  • You enter: TWiki https://twikinew.ihep.ac.cn/pubpublic/wikiHome.gif logo.
    Result: TWiki wikiHome.gif logo.
  • You enter: TWiki https://twikinew.ihep.ac.cn/pubpublic/TWiki/TWikiLogos/twikilogo88x31.gif logo.
    Result: TWiki twikilogo88x31.gif logo.
  You can upload images directly to your server with FTP access. You can also attach image files to a topic - you could even create a dedicated image topic, like ImageLibrary - and then link to the images directly:
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  This is a manual process where you have more control over the rendering of the image. Use the <img> tag of HTML to include GIF, JPG and PNG files. Note: The display of the topic is faster if you include the WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters that have the actual image size. http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/wilbur/special/img.html has more on inline images.
  • You enter: TWiki <img src="https://twikinew.ihep.ac.cn/pubpublic/wikiHome.gif" width="46" height="50" border="0" alt="logo" /> logo.
    TWiki logo logo.
  • You enter: TWiki <img src="https://twikinew.ihep.ac.cn/pubpublic/TWiki/TWikiLogos/twikilogo88x31.gif" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="logo" /> logo.
    TWiki logo logo.

Can I write colored text?

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