< < | Instant TWiki Shorthand |
> > | TWikiShorthand Basics |
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< < | If you can enter text, write an email, you're ready for TWiki. Use simple, intuitive TWiki shorthand to get even more control - instantly! |
> > | If you can enter text, you're ready for TWiki. With a few simple, intuitive TWikiShorthand rules, you'll be able to use plain text to create well-styled postings, instantly. Here's a fast-track guide to shorthand basics... |
- Separate each paragraph with a blank line.
- To link to another Wiki topic, type the WikiWord for that topic. To link to a Wiki topic in another web, type the name of the web, and a dot, first:
Test.WebHome .
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- When entering WikiName signatures - like, aaaaaaguest - include the Main as a prefix, since all TWiki member pages are in the Main web:
Main.YourName .
> > |
- If you enter a WikiWord for a topic that doesn't exist, it'll appear highlighted, with question mark at the end, prompting you (or someone else) to start off the new topic by clicking the ? - NewTopic (click the ?, but don't save, to preserve the example!).
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- If you enter a WikiWord for a topic that doesn't exist, it appears highlighted, with a question mark link at the end, prompting you (or someone else) to start off the new topic by clicking the ? - FreshTopic (try clicking the ?, but don't save, or you'll create a
FreshTopic page and ruin this example).
> > |
- When entering WikiName signatures - like, aaaaaaguest - include the Main as a prefix, since all TWiki member pages are in the Main web:
Main.YourName .
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< < | |
> > |
- For an external link, type the full URL:
http://twiki.org .
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- To prevent a WikiWord from becoming a link, type
<nop> first, <nop>WikiWord = WikiWord
> > |
- To prevent a WikiWord from becoming a link, type
<nop> first, <nop>NoLinkPlease .
- To indent with a bullet, enter
[space][space][space][asterisk][space] .
- Use multiples of 3 spaces to start nested bullets.
- Start items in a numbered list with
[space][space][space][1][space] .
- The "1" (or any number) will be replaced by the correct number, in order.
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- Always start counting spaces for bullets and such from the beginning of a new line.
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- Always start counting for bullets and such from the beginning of a new line.
- To include an image, type its URL. You also can Attach an image to the page and display it with text
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- To display a word or phrase in
MONOSPACED type , put it in equal signs: =like this= . Use ==two== for bold: bold mono .
> > |
- To display a word or phrase in
MONOSPACED TYPE , put it in equal signs: =like this= . Use ==two== for bold: bold mono .
Surround code excerpts, filenames, and other
- Use three (or more) consecutive hyphens expands into a horizontal rule:
< < | |
> > | |
< < |
-- MikeMannix - 01 Oct 2001