The Search function in TWiki is very powerful. Especially searches using a RegularExpression play an important part of tapping TWiki's full potential. Unfortunately RegularExpressions can be incredibly obscure to the uninitiated.
Most people not familiar (enough) with Regular Expressions mostly cut and paste (and maybe tweak) from existing examples. This page intends to collect lots of examples together.
| *Name* | *Type* | *Tooltip message* | | option1 | option | | | option2 | option | | | option3 | option | |
How to extract the 'name' values, i.e. 'option1', 'option2' and 'option3' and put them in a HTML form select input?
<form> <select> %SEARCH{ "^\|[^\|]*\| *option *\|" topic="%TOPIC%" regex="on" multiple="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="<option>$pattern(^\| *(.*?) *\|.*)</option>" }% </select> </form>
which is, in effect:
We will:
%SEARCH{"[T]opicClassification.*value\=.*Two;[T]opicStatus.*value\=.*%URLPARAM{type}%" regex="on" casesensitive="on" nosearch="on" format=" * $topic - <font face=\"arial,helvetica\" size=\"1\"> _last modified by_ $wikiusername _on_ $date </font> %BR% <font face=\"arial,helvetica\" size=\"1\"> $formfield(TopicStatus) </font>" sort="topic"}%
The filtering select dialogue is created as in Pattern 1:
%STARTSIDEBAR% *Filter:* %BR% <form name="selectType" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%WEB%/" > <select name="type" size="1" onchange="document.location=this.value;"> %SEARCH{ "^\|[^\|]*\| *option *\|" topic="TopicClassification" web="%WEB%" regex="on" multiple="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="<option value=%INCLUDINGTOPIC%?type=$pattern(^\| *(.*?) *\|.*)>$pattern(^\| *(.*?) *\|.*)</option>" }% <option value=%INCLUDINGTOPIC%>All pages</option> </select> </form> %STOPSIDEBAR%
This will create similar functionality as TWiki:Plugins.TopicClassificationAddOn
How to populate a list box with all usernames of registered TWiki users
<form name="testing" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%MAINWEB%" method="get"> <select name="topic"> <option>Select user...</option> %SEARCH{ "Name:;Email:;Country:" web="%MAINWEB%" type="regex" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="<option>$topic</option>" }% </select> <input type="submit" value="Go" /> </form>
Which expands to this: (here limited to all Z* users because has so many)
This searches all topics in the Main web that contain "Name", "Email" and "Country" bullets. Alternatively, do a FormattedSearch with multiple="on"
on the Main.TWikiUsers topic.
<select name="topic" size="2" MULTIPLE>
Please note that the Search pattern is unchanged compared to Solution 1. The change is in the HTML form element.
The abovementioned modification is, in effect:
<form name="testing" action="%SCRIPTURLPATH{"view"}%/%MAINWEB%" method="get"> <select name="topic"> <option>Select user...</option> %SEARCH{"%META:FORM.*[U]serForm" web="%MAINWEB%" regex="on" casesensitive="on" nosearch="on" format="<option>$topic</option>" sort="topic" excludetopic="Test*, TWiki*"}% </select> <input type="submit" value="Go" /> </form>
In the above example:
will search for all topics with a UserForm attached - change this if you have a different form where userdata is stored. Please note that this search does not actually extract anything from the form - it just uses it to identify the appropriate pages
excludetopic="Test*, TWiki*"
allows to skip all topics starting with Test and TWiki, such as TestUser or TWikiAdmin. Use this if you have any special users who you do not want appearing in this list
How to get to the parent of the current topic to display on the page?
You might think that the following Search would do the trick:
%SEARCH{ "^%BASETOPIC%$" scope="topic" nosearch="on" type="regex" nototal="on" format="[[$parent][parent_link]]" }%
However, the [[$parent][parent_link]]
link fails if the topic has no parent set ($parent
will be empty). You can use some SpreadSheetPlugin magic to conditionally link to the parent or to WebHome
: [[$percntCALC{$IF($EXACT($parent,), %HOMETOPIC%, $parent)}$percnt][parent_link]]
So the total Search query to find a topic's parent topic is:
%SEARCH{ "^%BASETOPIC%$" scope="topic" nosearch="on" type="regex" nototal="on" format="[<nop>[$percntCALC{$IF($EXACT($parent,), <nop>%HOMETOPIC%, $parent)}$percnt][parent_link]]" }%
How to find and display public webs in a drop down list box.
Thanks to TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny for these solutions.
<form> <select name="topic"> <option value="%TOPIC%">Select...</option> %SEARCH{ "%HOMETOPIC%" scope="topic" web="all" topic="%HOMETOPIC%" format="<option value=\"$web.$topic\">$web</option>" separator=" " }% </select> <input type="submit" value="Go" /> </form>
Public webs of TWiki.
For private webs, or any other webs you wish to exclude from the display, use "on" for the
Exclude web from a web="all" search
setting in the relevant web's WebPreferences topic.
This result can also be accomplished with the %WEBLIST% variable.
Display the user name in the user's topic title
Search for the Name:
%SEARCH{" * [N]ame: " topic="%TOPIC%" regex="on" casesensitive="on" nosummary="on" nosearch="on" noheader="on" nototal="on" format="---+!! $pattern(.* \* Name: ([^\n]*).*)"}%
To create a test case, we will put a name entry here:
Search result:
in the search expression?
%SEARCH{ "[S]tatus.*(|value\=).*[W]aiting" casesensitive="on" regex="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="| [[$topic]]<br /> ($date - $rev - [[%SCRIPTURLPATH{rdiff}%/$web/$topic][Diffs]]) |"}%
An example meta data form field is:
%META:FIELD{name="OperatingSystem" title="OperatingSystem" value="OsWin"}%So a search for a form field could look like:
%SEARCH{ "[O]peratingSystem.*value\=.*[O]sWin" regex="on" ... }%
indicate that there can be any number of any character between OperatingSystem
and value
in the (whole) file
Now the original file format of the category table (the predecessor of the TWiki forms) looks like this:
<td valign="top" align="right"> OperatingSystem: </td><td> OsWin </td>The following search finds topics in the old and new format:
%SEARCH{ "[O]peratingSystem.*(|value\=).*[O]sWin" regex="on" ... }%
matches td<>td
; a simple search on "[O]peratingSystem.*[O]sWin"
could find a hit in the topic text by coincidence.
A simple %SEARCH{ "[O]peratingSystem.*value\=.*[O]sWin" ...}%
search is sufficient if you do not have topics in the old format.
Moved topics: %SEARCH{ "%META\:TOPICMOVED" regex="on" format="$topic, " nosearch="on" noheader="on" nosummary="on" }%
to get this (limited to 10 results):
Moved topics:
TWiki:Main.AntonAylward, TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens
, TWiki:Main.JosMaccabiani
, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
, TWiki:Main.SueLocke
Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory